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Since 2000, the MIDWA Regional Consultation Process (RCP) is a tool for information sharing and capacity building across its Member States on all aspects of migration, while promoting a modernization of its free movement protocol and developing a common approach on migration management in the region.

MIDWA addresses five key areas:

1. Promotion of peace and stability in West Africa and protection of migrants’ rights;

2. Contribution of migrants to the development of their country of origin;

3. Poverty alleviation in emigration areas;

4. Information, sensitization and research on the different aspects of international migration in West Africa;

5. Intra-regional and inter-regional cooperation.


Specific areas included in MIDWA’s discussion include:

• Migration data and statistics;

• Border management;

• Combatting trans-border organised crime (human trafficking and migrant smuggling);

• Return and reintegration;

• Free movement, professional mobility and student exchange;

• Protection of migrants’ rights;

• Irregular migration and mixed flows;

• Diaspora, West African communities;

• Climate change;

• Migration and security.


Members states: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea,

Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.

Observers: Mauritania and Switzerland

Member Organizations: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

More information on MIDWA RCP are available at: (English) (French)

Useful links and reports:

• ECOWAS, MIDWA call for improved collaboration on migration in west Africa

• MIDWA Steering Committee Meeting Final Report

• MIDWA Regional Working Group on Border Management Action Plan

• Irregular Migration between West Africa, North Africa and the Mediterranean

• A Survey on Migration Policies in West Africa

Regional Mechanism

Migration Dialogue for West Africa - MIDWA:

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